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Brawl 242 - T4 - Team Rocket

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 PeakMonsters Hurricane
139 104.03 7,281
100 53 0 65%
153 153 153
300 300 300 300
Immortalis, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
2 Team Rocket
125 93.18 5,952
88 65 0 58%
153 153 153
264 264 264 264
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 3.8 59% 255 7
3 Legendary Wyverns
124 92.27 6,495
87 66 0 57%
153 153 153
261 261 261 261
Byzantine Kitty, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
4 第一公會 #1 Guild
124 92.27 5,905
87 66 0 57%
153 153 153
261 261 261 261
Quora Towershead 3.6 55% 268 7
5 The Guild of Kingshaven
96 71.47 4,571
64 89 0 42%
153 153 153
192 192 192 192
Quora Towershead, Kelya Frendul 3.8 44% 192 8
6 PeakMonsters Embryon
79 58.80 3,762
60 47 0 56%
107 107 107
180 180 180 180
Quora Towershead, Kelya Frendul 7.8 50% 143 8
7 Praetorians
79 58.80 3,762
52 95 0 35%
147 147 147
156 156 156 156
Immortalis, Eternal Tofu 4.4 39% 158 7
8 Mercenary Guild
68 50.66 3,238
41 112 0 27%
153 153 153
123 123 123 123
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 4.2 43% 189 8
9 Immortal Gods 4
62 47.95 3,248
49 59 0 45%
108 108 108
147 147 147 147
Yodin Zaku, Quora Towershead 5.6 41% 184 7

Brawl User Ranking - T4 - Team Rocket

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Bigcheddar
8 0 0 100%
8 8
2 Rmaan
7 0 0 100%
7 7
3 Splmaan
7 1 0 88%
8 8
4 Ace1964
6 1 0 86%
7 7
5 Damaan13
6 1 0 86%
7 7
6 Dmaan
5 1 0 83%
6 6
7 Disguisedfart
6 2 0 75%
8 8
8 Delta1031
5 2 0 71%
7 7
9 Illini
4 2 0 67%
6 6
10 Jmaan
4 2 0 67%
6 6
11 Mapley08
4 3 0 57%
7 7
12 Brybra27
3 3 0 50%
6 6
13 Denzelsauce
3 4 0 43%
7 7
14 Wayn3
4 4 0 50%
8 8
15 Denzelbro
4 4 0 50%
8 8
16 Pball
3 4 0 43%
7 7
17 Atlass
3 5 0 38%
8 8
18 Azwildcat
3 5 0 38%
8 8
19 Rents
2 6 0 25%
8 8
20 Brybry27
1 7 0 13%
8 8
21 Kaneki037
0 8 0 0%
8 8

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