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Welcome to the Guild!

All guild members are kindly asked to contribute DECs as much as they can. So, we can upgrade our Guilt to higher level to participate in high level of upcoming Brawls. And also participating in frays are so important. Failure to do this will put you in danger of being removed from the Guild. Paying into this guild is not throwing DEC away, it is an investment for yourself and your fellow guild members.

PS: Because of high demand of requests, you guys and gals need to contribute some DECs to the Arena, complete your daily guests and participating in brawls to secure your place in this Guild.

Brawl 262 - T1 - Olympian Gods

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
69 GUILD-BC69-BL12-BRAWL13 10 0 0.0 0
68 GUILD-BC68-BL12-BRAWL11 9 0 0.0 0
67 GUILD-BC67-BL12-BRAWL49 10 0 0.0 0
66 GUILD-BC66-BL12-BRAWL33 9 3 0.0 0
65 GUILD-BC65-BL12-BRAWL25 9 1 0.0 0
64 GUILD-BC64-BL12-BRAWL34 3 11 0.0 0
63 GUILD-BC63-BL12-BRAWL15 4 11 0.0 0
62 GUILD-BC62-BL12-BRAWL1 8 6 0.0 0
61 GUILD-BC61-BL12-BRAWL46 4 7 0.0 0
60 GUILD-BC60-BL12-BRAWL27 2 10 0.0 0
59 GUILD-BC59-BL12-BRAWL41 4 8 0.0 0

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