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  1. To bring our community earning income from Splinterlands

  2. To build a community and strengthen friendship among members


Through communication and sharing of strategies among members, together we play, together we earn, together we grow in Splinterlands

Brawl 262 - T1 - Crypto LGD

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
67 GUILD-BC67-BL12-BRAWL32 7 7 0.0 323
66 GUILD-BC66-BL12-BRAWL15 7 5 0.0 231
65 GUILD-BC65-BL12-BRAWL30 4 7 0.0 269
64 GUILD-BC64-BL12-BRAWL30 5 8 0.0 308
63 GUILD-BC63-BL12-BRAWL40 5 7 0.0 269
62 GUILD-BC62-BL12-BRAWL40 3 13 0.0 500
61 GUILD-BC61-BL12-BRAWL1 8 5 0.0 192
60 GUILD-BC60-BL12-BRAWL40 8 4 0.0 154

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