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Brawl 255 - T3 - Team Possible Troops

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 Fallen Angels
82 47.74 4,100
46 29 0 61%
75 75 75
138 138 138 138
Quora Towershead 3.6 52% 186 5
79 45.96 4,389
44 33 0 57%
77 77 77
132 132 132 132
Quora Towershead 3.0 53% 166 5
3 The Cutting Edge
78 45.51 4,333
43 34 0 56%
77 77 77
129 129 129 129
Quora Towershead 4.8 51% 141 6
4 Legendary Lunatics
58 33.91 2,578
17 60 0 22%
77 77 77
51 51 51 51
Lux Vega 7.2 24% 87 7
5 Team Possible Troops
57 33.02 3,167
34 22 0 61%
56 56 56
102 102 102 102
Quora Towershead 7.0 52% 109 7
6 PineappleExpress
26 15.17 1,300
15 14 0 52%
29 29 29
45 45 45 45
Quora Towershead 8.6 36% 42 5
7 The Dojo
22 12.94 1,100
12 27 0 31%
39 39 39
36 36 36 36
Quora Towershead 7.4 33% 94 6
8 White Lotus
10 5.80 500
9 3 0 75%
12 12 12
27 27 27 27
Quora Towershead, Iziar 9.4 49% 17 6
9 guild for sale
8 4.91 444
5 13 0 28%
18 18 18
15 15 15 15
Quora Towershead 9.4 25% 37 5

Brawl User Ranking - T3 - Team Possible Troops

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Marvelousmadel
5 0 0 100%
5 5
2 Extraball
4 0 0 100%
4 4
3 Jade9
6 1 0 86%
7 7
4 Redteds-roadshow
5 1 0 83%
6 6
5 Fezzz
3 1 0 75%
4 4
6 Grapthar
2 1 0 67%
3 3
7 Bobbyboy99
3 2 0 60%
5 5
8 Nygma
3 3 0 50%
6 6
9 Mikk2021
2 3 0 40%
5 5
10 Crypto-spore
0 3 0 0%
3 3
11 Runotentertained
0 3 0 0%
3 3
12 Dragondestroyer
1 4 0 20%
5 5

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