Grabbing Data

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Rules of the Guild

  1. If you join a fray you must complete your battles.

  2. If you can't fight in a upcoming brawl. Post that in the messenger.

  3. If you get butt hurt easily, Don't join this guild.

  4. If you are here for only the SPS rewards, Don't join this guild.

  5. If you can't read or type English, Don't join this guild.

The main goal of this guild is achieve dominance in our current tier, earn some gladiator cards, a little SPS and have fun doing so.

Brawl 262 - T1 - Shock & Awe

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
135 GUILD-BC135-BL12-BRAWL16 2 12 10.327 554
134 GUILD-BC134-BL12-BRAWL4 4 10 10.461 462
133 GUILD-BC133-BL12-BRAWL1 4 6 8.755 277
132 GUILD-BC132-BL12-BRAWL15 2 8 16.665 308
131 GUILD-BC131-BL12-BRAWL31 5 7 6.301 269
130 GUILD-BC130-BL12-BRAWL13 4 9 9.176 346
129 GUILD-BC129-BL12-BRAWL18 2 10 14.555 385
128 GUILD-BC128-BL12-BRAWL21 6 8 8.0 308
127 GUILD-BC127-BL12-BRAWL16 3 8 10.0 308
126 GUILD-BC126-BL12-BRAWL34 5 8 8.0 308
125 GUILD-BC125-BL12-BRAWL12 6 6 7.0 231
124 GUILD-BC124-BL12-BRAWL38 3 6 10.0 231
122 GUILD-BC122-BL12-BRAWL35 5 6 8.0 231

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