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This guild is part of the LOLZ Project.

All members are expected to participate in all brawls possible. Failure to participate regularly will get you removed from the Guild.

The main goal for our Guild is to earn Merits for the players and Crowns for the guild.

Donations in DEC are appreciated but not mandatory.

Brawl 262 - T1 - The LOLZ Guild

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
69 GUILD-BC69-BL12-BRAWL19 8 3 0.0 115
68 GUILD-BC68-BL12-BRAWL1 6 5 0.0 192
67 GUILD-BC67-BL12-BRAWL30 7 4 0.0 154
66 GUILD-BC66-BL12-BRAWL38 5 8 0.0 308
65 GUILD-BC65-BL12-BRAWL2 7 4 0.0 154
64 GUILD-BC64-BL12-BRAWL9 4 5 0.0 192
63 GUILD-BC63-BL12-BRAWL46 4 8 0.0 308

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