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Brawl 181 - T1 - IFA Capital

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
38 16.57 2,375
40 32 0 56%
72 72 72
120 120 120 120
Quora Towershead, Immortalis 1.8 71% 286 6
2 Dalai Llamas
32 15.75 1,600
38 16 0 70%
54 54 54
114 114 114 114
Quora Towershead 2.2 49% 107 4
3 ClaNFT
28 15.75 1,225
38 28 0 58%
66 66 66
114 114 114 114
Quora Towershead 2.0 59% 145 3
4 Couch Dogs
24 15.75 900
38 28 0 58%
66 66 66
114 114 114 114
- 7.0 33% 66 3
5 ScaryOne's
22 14.09 1,100
34 28 0 55%
62 62 62
102 102 102 102
Quora Towershead 4.8 28% 74 4
6 Third Eye UnRuly
21 13.67 919
33 38 0 46%
71 71 71
99 99 99 99
Quora Towershead 4.6 50% 87 3
7 The Misfits
19 12.43 950
30 34 0 47%
64 64 64
90 90 90 90
Quora Towershead 3.0 45% 107 3
8 Pinoy Kittens
19 12.43 950
30 42 0 42%
72 72 72
90 90 90 90
- 4.6 47% 102 3
9 IFA Capital
4 2.90 175
7 41 0 15%
48 48 48
21 21 21 21
Kelya Frendul 7.4 61% 19 4
10 Knight Riders
4 2.49 175
6 11 0 35%
17 17 17
18 18 18 18
Quora Towershead 5.0 25% 61 3

Brawl User Ranking - T1 - IFA Capital

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Flo16cws
4 4 0 50%
8 8
2 Circlebubble
2 6 0 25%
8 8
3 Ramonifa
1 7 0 13%
8 8
4 Ashien1202
0 2 0 0%
2 2
5 Akameli
0 6 0 0%
6 6
6 Zeyi
0 7 0 0%
7 7
7 Hunter-q
0 9 0 0%
9 9

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