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The Gold Syndicate is an affiliate of The Syndicate Guilds, comprised of The Champions Syndicate, The 420 Syndicate and The Gold Syndicate.

Min DEC Requirements: 5 per season. We are currently only accepting requests for membership, and our members are dedicated to leveling up buildings and completing daily focuses. We have support systems to aid newer players. We're looking for like-minded, team-oriented battlemages who want to earn their way to a top-tier guild with a great bunch of gamers. So come on in and join the fun. We welcome all teammates and try to keep a competitive but light atmosphere. A lot of our members strive to help lower-ranked members build up their ratings so send a request if we have a spot open.

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Brawl 262 - T1 - The Gold Syndicate

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
236 GUILD-BC236-BL12-BRAWL5 9
235 GUILD-BC235-BL12-BRAWL19 9 1 0.0 0
234 GUILD-BC234-BL12-BRAWL17 8 1 0.783 46
233 GUILD-BC233-BL12-BRAWL13 10 0 0.0 0
232 GUILD-BC232-BL12-BRAWL1 9 0 0.0 0
229 GUILD-BC229-BL12-BRAWL7 9
228 GUILD-BC228-BL12-BRAWL5 10 1 1.253 46
227 GUILD-BC227-BL12-BRAWL19 9 0 0.0 0
226 GUILD-BC226-BL12-BRAWL6 10 1 2.204 46
225 GUILD-BC225-BL12-BRAWL8 9 2 3.06 92
224 GUILD-BC224-BL12-BRAWL20 9 0 0.0 0
223 GUILD-BC223-BL12-BRAWL3 8 1 1.337 46
222 GUILD-BC222-BL12-BRAWL14 10 1 1.422 46
221 GUILD-BC221-BL12-BRAWL13 9 1 1.152 46
220 GUILD-BC220-BL12-BRAWL15 9 1 1.759 46
219 GUILD-BC219-BL12-BRAWL10 8 0 0.0 0
218 GUILD-BC218-BL12-BRAWL8 8 1 0.977 46
217 GUILD-BC217-BL12-BRAWL7 9 1 0.877 46
216 GUILD-BC216-BL12-BRAWL15 8 3 4.383 138
215 GUILD-BC215-BL12-BRAWL21 6 3 5.565 138
214 GUILD-BC214-BL12-BRAWL7 9 1 1.418 46
213 GUILD-BC213-BL12-BRAWL22 8 1 0.788 46
212 GUILD-BC212-BL12-BRAWL2 9 2 1.523 92
211 GUILD-BC211-BL12-BRAWL17 9 3 2.051 138
210 GUILD-BC210-BL12-BRAWL13 9 3 3.064 138

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