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=================* Recruiting *=====================

The kraken is a legendary sea monster of enormous size said to appear off the coasts of Splinterlands.

For players of all ranks, and experience join us and start receiving guild perks.

No set fees, just be active, participate in brawls and contribute DEC at least once per season and grow together with us.

Non Active users who don't participate in brawls or don't contribute DEC at least once per season will be kicked when guild is full.

Brawl 262 - T1 - KrAkeN

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
92 GUILD-BC92-BL12-BRAWL15 6 7 0.0 323
91 GUILD-BC91-BL12-BRAWL57 5 5 0.0 231
90 GUILD-BC90-BL12-BRAWL12 7 7 0.0 323
89 GUILD-BC89-BL12-BRAWL41 6 5 0.0 192
88 GUILD-BC88-BL12-BRAWL49 9 3 0.0 115
87 GUILD-BC87-BL12-BRAWL4 4 6 0.0 231
86 GUILD-BC86-BL12-BRAWL16 8 4 0.0 154
85 GUILD-BC85-BL12-BRAWL17 8 3 0.0 115
84 GUILD-BC84-BL12-BRAWL8 7 3 0.0 115
83 GUILD-BC83-BL12-BRAWL28 10 5 0.0 192
82 GUILD-BC82-BL12-BRAWL6 8 7 0.0 269
81 GUILD-BC81-BL12-BRAWL32 9 4 0.0 0

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