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Brawl 246 - T2 - Gladiators V

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
56 30.40 3,500
57 22 0 72%
79 79 79
171 171 171 171
Quora Towershead 2.2 59% 140 4
2 Immortal Beavers
54 29.25 2,700
53 26 0 67%
79 79 79
159 159 159 159
Quora Towershead 1.4 75% 198 4
3 Brave BattleMages
49 26.67 2,756
44 35 0 56%
79 79 79
132 132 132 132
Quora Towershead 2.4 56% 117 4
4 Limanty Legion
28 14.91 1,575
19 44 0 30%
63 63 63
57 57 57 57
Kelya Frendul 3.4 41% 79 4
5 Legendary Hatchlings
28 14.91 1,750
12 52 0 19%
64 64 64
36 36 36 36
Yodin Zaku, Kelya Frendul 6.6 12% 10 5
6 龍の旅団
8 4.30 400
8 9 0 47%
17 17 17
24 24 24 24
Yodin Zaku 8.0 67% 28 3
7 Phoenix Kings
4 2.01 225
3 9 0 25%
12 12 12
9 9 9 9
Obsidian 8.6 28% 8 4
8 Gladiators V
0 0.00 0
1 5 0 17%
6 6 6
3 3 3 3
- 7.6 31% 22 3

Brawl User Ranking - T2 - Gladiators V

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Cromax
1 5 0 17%
6 6

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