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Brawl 205 - T3 - Splinter Ops

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
70 45.18 3,889
56 37 0 60%
93 93 93
168 168 168 168
Quora Towershead, Immortalis 1.8 66% 273 6
64 41.15 3,200
51 43 0 54%
94 94 94
153 153 153 153
Yodin Zaku 5.0 37% 149 7
3 The Forgotten Legion
57 37.12 2,850
46 48 0 49%
94 94 94
138 138 138 138
Quora Towershead 4.0 49% 173 5
4 Hivemonsters
46 29.85 2,044
37 33 0 53%
70 70 70
111 111 111 111
Conqueror Jacek 9.4 55% 39 5
5 The Sword of Praetoria
45 29.05 2,250
36 18 0 67%
54 54 54
108 108 108 108
Quora Towershead 9.0 46% 49 5
6 White Lotus
45 29.05 2,250
36 40 0 47%
76 76 76
108 108 108 108
Quora Towershead, Iziar 9.6 31% 10 6
7 Raccoons of the North
31 20.17 1,550
25 39 0 39%
64 64 64
75 75 75 75
Quora Towershead 6.4 24% 92 5
8 Phoenix Uraenus (‿!‿)
31 20.17 1,378
25 47 0 35%
72 72 72
75 75 75 75
Kelya Frendul 9.6 20% 12 5
9 Pay it Forward - Alpha
12 8.07 533
10 4 0 71%
14 14 14
30 30 30 30
Quora Towershead 9.4 31% 10 5
10 Splinter Ops
9 5.65 500
7 20 0 26%
27 27 27
21 21 21 21
Quora Towershead 9.6 40% 13 5

Brawl User Ranking - T3 - Splinter Ops

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 The-stewie
2 4 0 33%
6 6
2 Boysofthedwarf
2 4 0 33%
6 6
3 Mefi13
2 6 0 25%
8 8
4 Stobbart
1 6 0 14%
7 7

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