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Brawl 183 - T4 - Knights of Praetoria

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 Knights United
178 141.95 10,171
101 51 0 66%
152 152 152
303 303 303 303
Byzantine Kitty, Immortalis - - - 9
2 YGG Knights
155 134.92 8,119
96 56 0 63%
152 152 152
288 288 288 288
Kelya Frendul, Immortalis 2.2 68% 298 8
3 PeakMonsters Hurricane
130 126.49 6,190
90 62 0 59%
152 152 152
270 270 270 270
Immortalis, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
4 Roaring Twenties
102 115.25 5,829
82 64 0 56%
146 146 146
246 246 246 246
Quora Towershead, Captain Katie 7.8 49% 106 8
5 PeakMonsters Landlubbers
100 113.84 5,238
81 71 0 53%
152 152 152
243 243 243 243
Byzantine Kitty, Immortalis 2.8 61% 268 7
6 Legendary Wizards
82 92.76 3,905
66 75 0 47%
141 141 141
198 198 198 198
Byzantine Kitty, Lux Vega 8.8 7% 10 7
7 Landstreicher
66 74.49 2,514
53 99 0 35%
152 152 152
159 159 159 159
Immortalis, Lily Shieldpaw 3.4 52% 231 8
8 Knights of Praetoria
52 59.03 2,476
42 85 0 33%
127 127 127
126 126 126 126
Kelya Frendul, Immortalis 5.0 46% 172 7
9 Immortal Phoenix
25 29.51 952
21 73 0 22%
94 94 94
63 63 63 63
Obsidian 6.0 28% 123 7

Brawl User Ranking - T4 - Knights of Praetoria

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Monsterveritas
6 2 0 75%
8 8
2 Dejota
5 2 0 71%
7 7
3 Goldwizard
4 2 0 67%
6 6
4 Cfc3
4 3 0 57%
7 7
5 Chorock
4 4 0 50%
8 8
6 Damndejota
3 4 0 43%
7 7
7 Mctoph
3 5 0 38%
8 8
8 Pretzeleo
3 5 0 38%
8 8
9 Jojobeast
3 5 0 38%
8 8
10 Mct-1
2 6 0 25%
8 8
11 Patpsycho
2 6 0 25%
8 8
12 Trebuh
1 5 0 17%
6 6
13 Tk2927
1 6 0 14%
7 7
14 Jcheuvro
1 7 0 13%
8 8
15 Wingwing124
0 7 0 0%
7 7
16 Rikyu
0 8 0 0%
8 8
17 Chaeyoungg
0 8 0 0%
8 8

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