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Join the Furious Fucks today and be part of our welcoming new guild, as we are a new and very young guild building it up will be our main focus, as such we will require a 100-1000 DEC contribution every brawl which will go up as the guild scales. We are looking for players committed to the guild and the community, we will also delegate cards to guild members provided we can and try to help anyone in the guild that needs it. Looking for people willing to contribute and spend time actively engaged in this awesome place and community, If this sounds like the guild for you message me in discord Magic#8706. I'm always active. We don't have huge requirements or anything like that, just that you give your best effort going forward and can hopefully help grow this guild in to one of the great ones. Our Telegram Channel is

Brawl 266 - T1 - Furious Fucks

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
156 GUILD-BC156-BL12-BRAWL39 7 4 3.908 185
155 GUILD-BC155-BL12-BRAWL34 4 8 8.156 369
154 GUILD-BC154-BL12-BRAWL20 6 9 7.942 415
153 GUILD-BC153-BL12-BRAWL27 6 7 5.421 323
152 GUILD-BC152-BL12-BRAWL45 9 4 2.68 185
146 GUILD-BC146-BL12-BRAWL30 3
145 GUILD-BC145-BL12-BRAWL4 6 8 7.141 308
144 GUILD-BC144-BL12-BRAWL28 7 9 7.904 346
143 GUILD-BC143-BL12-BRAWL17 5 8 8.276 308
142 GUILD-BC142-BL12-BRAWL1 6 8 7.533 308
82 GUILD-BC82-BL12-BRAWL26 10 0 0.0 0

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