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Brawl 251 - T3 - Apocalypse Artisans

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 THGaming Brawlers
84 45.06 4,200
66 37 0 64%
103 103 103
198 198 198 198
Quora Towershead 1.0 62% 213 5
2 Apocalypse Artisans
79 42.18 3,950
58 45 0 56%
103 103 103
174 174 174 174
Quora Towershead 2.6 54% 176 5
3 Secret Stachers
78 41.46 4,333
62 38 0 62%
100 100 100
186 186 186 186
Quora Towershead 2.6 61% 210 5
4 YGG Brawlers (Hel)
64 33.89 3,556
50 41 0 55%
91 91 91
150 150 150 150
Quora Towershead 3.2 66% 187 6
5 European Elite
58 31.00 2,256
27 76 0 26%
103 103 103
81 81 81 81
Quora Towershead 6.6 30% 87 5
6 I fa frette au Quebec
51 27.40 2,267
25 68 0 27%
93 93 93
75 75 75 75
Quora Towershead 6.2 28% 94 5
7 All For One - One For All
44 23.43 2,444
35 34 0 51%
69 69 69
105 105 105 105
Yodin Zaku 7.4 64% 124 5
8 Oblivion
25 13.34 1,250
24 17 0 59%
41 41 41
72 72 72 72
Quora Towershead 7.8 28% 84 5
9 T&A Legion III
5 2.52 222
6 2 0 75%
8 8 8
18 18 18 18
Lux Vega 9.4 66% 21 6
10 The Brawlers
4 2.16 178
4 3 0 57%
7 7 7
12 12 12 12
Obsidian 9.8 28% 10 5

Brawl User Ranking - T3 - Apocalypse Artisans

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Goldbug2
6 0 0 100%
6 6
2 Goldbug1
3 0 0 100%
3 3
3 Bluehy20
5 1 0 83%
6 6
4 Moonride
3 1 0 75%
4 4
5 Ukrainizator88
4 2 0 67%
6 6
6 Zodd1984
3 2 0 60%
5 5
7 Phitsanuz
3 2 0 60%
5 5
8 Playingthegame
3 2 0 60%
5 5
9 Hycarus
4 3 0 57%
7 7
10 Doombot75
4 3 0 57%
7 7
11 Jeff4prez
4 3 0 57%
7 7
12 Tom230
2 3 0 40%
5 5
13 Hapexamendeus
2 3 0 40%
5 5
14 Ricky631
2 3 0 40%
5 5
15 Guppy714
3 4 0 43%
7 7
16 Leearvin
2 4 0 33%
6 6
17 Coldflamez
2 4 0 33%
6 6
18 Goldclaimz
3 5 0 38%
8 8

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