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A guild primarily for those who want to have fun and are getting into the game. New members are welcomed to join but in order to advance the guild further so everyone gets benefits, we will be charging 50 DEC per season, and donating it to the guild. Higher roles will be based off of activity and DEC contributions (whether on time or not) as well as brawl win rate when we get to those. Currently our discord server is here: CLOSED

You MUST join this discord to be a member

If you do not do quests for a whole season, or miss the contributions for 2 seasons in a row, you will be kicked.

We would prefer English only members as it helps me communicate with you guys better. Interested? Join NOW!

Note: Please, NO BOTS

Brawl 262 - T1 - The PlagueBringers

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
39 GUILD-BC39-BL12-BRAWL11 3 12 0.0 554
38 GUILD-BC38-BL12-BRAWL9 3 14 0.0 646
37 GUILD-BC37-BL12-BRAWL18 2 21 0.0 808
36 GUILD-BC36-BL12-BRAWL7 3 14 0.0 538
35 GUILD-BC35-BL12-BRAWL21 6 7 0.0 269
34 GUILD-BC34-BL12-BRAWL25 2 19 0.0 731
33 GUILD-BC33-BL12-BRAWL3 7 8 0.0 308
32 GUILD-BC32-BL12-BRAWL16 3 11 0.0 423

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