Grabbing Data

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Feel free to join the guild and participate in brawls.

  • Please immediately drop a message in the tavern once you join

Otherwise you will be considered a bot and automatically kicked from brawling with us.

If a Fray you want to play at is occupied, drop a message in the tavern. We'll find a solution :) Please be aware that this might take some hours, as I am not awake 24/7.

Brawl 262 - T1 - scplintersc - OPEN guild

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
192 GUILD-BC192-BL12-BRAWL9 4 6 11.981 277
191 GUILD-BC191-BL12-BRAWL19 7 5 8.164 231
190 GUILD-BC190-BL12-BRAWL14 6 6 8.86 231
189 GUILD-BC189-BL12-BRAWL13 5 5 10.118 192
188 GUILD-BC188-BL12-BRAWL21 5 5 10.285 192
187 GUILD-BC187-BL12-BRAWL3 4 7 13.286 269
186 GUILD-BC186-BL12-BRAWL6 7 5 8.003 192
185 GUILD-BC185-BL12-BRAWL7 6 5 7.979 192
184 GUILD-BC184-BL12-BRAWL19 4 4 15.46 154
183 GUILD-BC183-BL12-BRAWL4 8
182 GUILD-BC182-BL12-BRAWL22 7 0 0.0 0
181 GUILD-BC181-BL12-BRAWL19 7 5 0.0 0

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