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Come Join the Shadow Empire community!

We are passionate players and want to create an amazing experience for our guild members.

We are a beginner friendly guild - but we want Discord-first players that love the game, love to talk about the game, and want to learn and help others. Join our Shadow Empire as a part of an amazing guild that wants to grow and thrive!

Join us as we spread the darkness!

BRAND NEW: Contributors get REWARDED with our Guild Token, to spend and compound their fun!

Join us here:

Brawl 262 - T1 - Shadowcrawlers

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 Video Game Life
16 33.18 985
32 20 0 62%
52 52 52
96 96 96 96
Quora Towershead 2.4 62% 124 1
2 Rare Lunatics
15 29.91 692
25 27 0 48%
52 52 52
75 75 75 75
- 1.4 65% 140 1
3 Shadowcrawlers
11 22.43 508
19 29 0 40%
48 48 48
57 57 57 57
- 2.8 60% 128 1
4 PH Splinter
5 0.00 0
0 41 0 0%
41 41 41
0 0 0 0
- 5.6 30% 57 1
5 Los Tercios de Mahou
4 8.41 185
12 3 0 80%
15 15 15
36 36 36 36
- 6.2 61% 47 1
6 An Unknown Guild
2 4.67 92
5 4 0 56%
9 9 9
15 15 15 15
- 7.2 55% 30 1
7 Elemental Force
2 3.27 108
5 0 0 100%
5 5 5
15 15 15 15
- 8.4 96% 14 1
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
104 GUILD-BC104-BL12-BRAWL55 10 0 0.0 0
103 GUILD-BC103-BL12-BRAWL33 8 1 0.0 38
102 GUILD-BC102-BL12-BRAWL54 8 0 0.0 0
101 GUILD-BC101-BL12-BRAWL45 10 0 0.0 0
100 GUILD-BC100-BL12-BRAWL2 9 1 0.0 38

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