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Greetings, Shadowalkers!

We want to be at the peak of this ever-changing game. We do the math. We do the work. We want to be better than the rest. High level players have figured out that a max guild will pay for itself. If you call yourself a high level player, come join us, show your commitment, make a real contribution, introduce yourself in our Discord, and let's build a top tier Guild together.

We like to have lots of other perks to make it fun and exciting, like private tournaments, sister guilds for beginners and alt accounts, brawling prizes, and more!

Let's follow the shadows and take home the prizes!

Brawl 262 - T1 - The Shadowalkers

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
84 GUILD-BC84-BL12-BRAWL16 3 12 0.0 554
83 GUILD-BC83-BL12-BRAWL19 3 14 0.0 646
82 GUILD-BC82-BL12-BRAWL22 1 16 0.0 738
81 GUILD-BC81-BL12-BRAWL39 3 13 0.0 500
80 GUILD-BC80-BL12-BRAWL5 4 12 0.0 462
79 GUILD-BC79-BL12-BRAWL36 4 7 0.0 269
78 GUILD-BC78-BL12-BRAWL8 4 9 0.0 346
77 GUILD-BC77-BL12-BRAWL29 3 11 0.0 423

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