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Looking for players that want to brawl and build up merits, there is no dec fee to join or a fee required to stay in the guild, donate what you can. there is a minimum league of bronze 2, I will delegate my time and card to other guild mates that need it.

We do now have a discord and word appreciate all new members to join the Discord

Brawl 262 - T1 - Azmaré Stormcasters

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
108 GUILD-BC108-BL12-BRAWL51 3 8 0.0 369
107 GUILD-BC107-BL12-BRAWL27 6 6 0.0 277
106 GUILD-BC106-BL12-BRAWL22 5 7 0.0 323
105 GUILD-BC105-BL12-BRAWL6 6 7 0.0 269
104 GUILD-BC104-BL12-BRAWL28 6 6 0.0 231
103 GUILD-BC103-BL12-BRAWL52 5 10 0.0 385
102 GUILD-BC102-BL12-BRAWL43 5 8 0.0 308
101 GUILD-BC101-BL12-BRAWL21 8 7 0.0 269
100 GUILD-BC100-BL12-BRAWL51 7 4 0.0 154

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