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New members must donate 200 DEC within 30 minutes after joining.

Mandatory Tasks:

1) Donate a small amount of DEC every day. Cut-off time 9:00 (Philippines UTC/GMT +8)

2) At the start of each season, each member must donate a total of 200 Dark Energy Crystals to the Guild Hall (Guild -> Building -> Hall).

3) Leave a message on the Tavern upon login for attendance. Inactive players will automatically be kicked without notice.

4) Respect each member of the Guild. Educate the newcomers to help improve our overall win rate.

5) Members are required to participate in guild events such as BRAWL.

Let's all help each other and be a part of this growing community. Help the guild grow to create a space for future members. Invite your friends.

Brawl 262 - T1 - Sprout Philippines

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
Nothing here
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
58 GUILD-BC58-BL12-BRAWL19 10 0 0.0 0
57 GUILD-BC57-BL12-BRAWL10 8 2 0.0 77
56 GUILD-BC56-BL12-BRAWL25 7 4 0.0 154
55 GUILD-BC55-BL12-BRAWL11 9 2 0.0 77
54 GUILD-BC54-BL12-BRAWL43 6 4 0.0 154
53 GUILD-BC53-BL12-BRAWL27 7 3 0.0 115
52 GUILD-BC52-BL12-BRAWL8 9 3 0.0 115
51 GUILD-BC51-BL12-BRAWL5 9 1 0.0 38
50 GUILD-BC50-BL12-BRAWL11 9 2 0.0 0
49 GUILD-BC49-BL12-BRAWL44 9 1 0.0 0
48 GUILD-BC48-BL12-BRAWL25 9 1 0.0 0
47 GUILD-BC47-BL12-BRAWL45 9 2 0.0 0
46 GUILD-BC46-BL12-BRAWL29 10 0 0.0 0
45 GUILD-BC45-BL12-BRAWL25 9 1 0.0 0
44 GUILD-BC44-BL12-BRAWL32 10 2 0.0 0
43 GUILD-BC43-BL12-BRAWL11 8 2 0.0 0
42 GUILD-BC42-BL12-BRAWL36 9 2 0.0 0
41 GUILD-BC41-BL12-BRAWL32 10 2 0.0 0
40 GUILD-BC40-BL12-BRAWL31 9 2 0.0 0
39 GUILD-BC39-BL12-BRAWL35 9 4 0.0 0
38 GUILD-BC38-BL12-BRAWL20 9 3 0.0 0
37 GUILD-BC37-BL12-BRAWL7 7 4 0.0 0

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