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Hunab-Kru, play on the word Hunab-Ku, the singular consciousness that is the source of all creation. In physical space its beyond the milky way through the galactic center, origin of the projection that is the Galactic Maya or Interdimensional Toltec Sacred Warrior Lineage. The members of this guild practice and embody the 13:20 based sciences of time keeping and meditation via the Tzolkin, Dreamspell and 13 Moon Calendar. These cultivations observe a certain perception of reality and view of the world, continuing our harmonic and sustainable integration within it and as it. We support a narrative that we are all part of activating an end time prophecy which is our responsibility as curators of this reality to help shape this new world, with integrity, virtue, love and apply this intelligence within the 3d organic worlds and the 4d Cubic Whologram. As Warriors of the Cube we Fight to create safety, fairness and acceptance on and off chain for all beings who would be part of this dream.

Brawl 262 - T0 - Hunab-Kru

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