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IMPORTANT: PLEASE ONLY JOIN OUR GUILD IF YOU OWN / RENT AT LEAST A SILVER LEAGUE DECK OR WANT DONATE MORE THAN 10.000 Guildpower (GP)- To get a bronze-league fray is only possible when you are ready to donate more than 10.000 GP as member with more than 10.000 GP-donation can reserve a fray in the order of their donation.

Please write, when you join the guild, at least a "Hello" in the tavern, acknowledge that you plan to donate 5100 GP to our baracks as soon as you can. Please communicate further with us.

Members who don't play active or don't DONATE the requested 5100 GP will be removed. We expect that you take part in brawls, so we expect that you play when we assign a fray to you. If you miss a brawl we expect a donation of 5000 GP towards our baracks in the 24 hours after end of the brawl otherwise we can remove you from the guild.

If you are away for >2 weeks without a notice we can remove you, so please tell us about such absense in the tavern.

Brawl 266 - T3 - GOAT Monsters

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 Fallen Angels 87
0 0 0 -
0 14 114
0 342 - 189
Quora Towershead 2.8 56% 203 5
2 Death Punch 98
0 1 0 0%
1 18 114
0 339 0 147
Kelya Frendul 4.4 44% 151 5
3 New Bot Order 2 190
0 0 0 -
0 0 114
0 342 - 93
Kelya Frendul, Immortalis 6.6 28% 114 6
4 GOAT Monsters 139
0 1 0 0%
1 26 114
0 339 0 171
Quora Towershead 2.2 51% 162 5
5 YGG Brawlers (Jötunheim) 72
0 0 0 -
0 1 107
0 321 - 207
Quora Towershead 2.0 65% 223 5
6 Alliance PH 88
1 0 0 100%
1 7 108
3 324 324 135
Quora Towershead 4.6 42% 148 5
7 Honey Badger Conclave 109
0 1 0 0%
1 8 66
0 195 0 66
Quora Towershead 6.0 35% 82 5
8 Archmage Arius' Disciples 37
0 0 0 -
0 8 48
0 144 - 84
Quora Towershead, Kelya Frendul 6.6 60% 69 7
9 Pwnd Monsters 104
0 0 0 -
0 0 42
0 126 - 75
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 4.6 60% 158 6
10 T&A Legion II 308
1 0 0 100%
1 1 23
3 69 69 39
Immortalis 9.0 57% 39 6
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
166 GUILD-BC166-BL56-BRAWL9 8 31 17.941 1378
165 GUILD-BC165-BL56-BRAWL13 7 44 22.922 1956
164 GUILD-BC164-BL56-BRAWL1 10 28 14.782 1244
163 GUILD-BC163-BL56-BRAWL10 7 39 25.785 1733
162 GUILD-BC162-BL56-BRAWL5 9 39 19.692 1733
161 GUILD-BC161-BL56-BRAWL15 4 57 32.258 2533
160 GUILD-BC160-BL56-BRAWL11 7 43 25.301 1911
159 GUILD-BC159-BL56-BRAWL5 5 43 28.827 1911
158 GUILD-BC158-BL56-BRAWL13 3 60 33.946 2667
157 GUILD-BC157-BL56-BRAWL5 7 42 24.907 1867
156 GUILD-BC156-BL56-BRAWL15 7 32 21.675 1422
155 GUILD-BC155-BL56-BRAWL6 7 38 20.69 1689
154 GUILD-BC154-BL56-BRAWL6 7 49 27.631 2178
153 GUILD-BC153-BL56-BRAWL1 7 42 24.339 1867
152 GUILD-BC152-BL56-BRAWL4 7 39 23.892 1733
146 GUILD-BC146-BL56-BRAWL7 10
145 GUILD-BC145-BL56-BRAWL13 6 46 31.709 2044
144 GUILD-BC144-BL56-BRAWL13 5 50 38.689 2222
143 GUILD-BC143-BL56-BRAWL10 6 50 34.03 2222
142 GUILD-BC142-BL56-BRAWL8 6 44 31.947 1956
141 GUILD-BC141-BL56-BRAWL3 5 52 34.39 2311
140 GUILD-BC140-BL56-BRAWL8 7 44 29.048 1956
139 GUILD-BC139-BL56-BRAWL12 7 46 32.301 2044
138 GUILD-BC138-BL56-BRAWL11 8 46 31.504 2044
137 GUILD-BC137-BL56-BRAWL8 6 53 38.585 2356

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