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Brawl 188 - T3 - T&A Legion III

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
100 45.02 3,889
66 34 0 66%
100 100 100
198 198 198 198
Quora Towershead 2.0 74% 221 5
2 GOAT Gang
81 38.88 4,500
57 46 0 55%
103 103 103
171 171 171 171
Quora Towershead 2.0 61% 247 5
3 Mercenary Guild
60 32.06 3,333
47 54 0 47%
101 101 101
141 141 141 141
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 4.2 43% 189 8
4 Team Possible Troops
49 30.70 2,722
45 39 0 54%
84 84 84
135 135 135 135
Quora Towershead 7.0 52% 109 7
5 Gladiators II
42 26.60 2,333
39 55 0 41%
94 94 94
117 117 117 117
Quora Towershead 7.0 37% 98 5
6 Tender Nightfall
41 25.92 2,278
38 55 0 41%
93 93 93
114 114 114 114
Quora Towershead 7.0 64% 133 7
7 [TYC] Québec
37 23.19 1,644
34 34 0 50%
68 68 68
102 102 102 102
Scarred Llama Mage 8.8 40% 28 5
8 T&A Legion III
28 17.74 1,244
26 26 0 50%
52 52 52
78 78 78 78
Lux Vega 9.4 66% 21 6
9 PIZZA 1 The Stuffed Crust
26 16.37 1,300
24 33 0 42%
57 57 57
72 72 72 72
Quora Towershead 8.2 44% 91 5

Brawl User Ranking - T3 - T&A Legion III

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Eman13088
7 1 0 88%
8 8
2 Xxxdoodzxxx
5 3 0 63%
8 8
3 Finalpot432
4 3 0 57%
7 7
4 Fauna-mystica
4 3 0 57%
7 7
5 Jovak
2 4 0 33%
6 6
6 Kairav87
2 6 0 25%
8 8
7 Sprongkie
2 6 0 25%
8 8

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