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Welcome to Iron Faith, formerly known as the Dragons guild of Splinterlands! In a whimsical twist of fate, our dragons discovered a hidden, enchanted forge deep within the Crystal Mountains. Here, amidst ancient runes and starlit anvil, our dragons were transformed. No longer did they exhale glitter or blow rainbow bubbles – instead, they found themselves armored in enchanted iron, shimmering with the colors of a thousand sunbursts.

As a crazy guild elder once said while wearing really cool sunglasses, "Iron Faith are crusaders that destroy everyone else." Destroy is what we do. We destroyed the old name of the guild, we destroy bad attitudes, but we save our best destruction for a good "knock knock" joke.

Join Iron Faith and become part of a saga where every day is a blockchain transaction filled with enchantment, laughter, and the unbreakable bond of a family that once soared as dragons and now marches forward with ironclad faith and eternal mirth!

Brawl 260 - T5 - Iron Faith

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 The Guild of Neoxian 3 Byzantine Kitty, Eternal Tofu - - - 10
2 T&A Legion I 5 Venka the Vile, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
3 [YGG] Legion 7 Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead - - - 9
4 Immortal Gods 8 Byzantine Kitty, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
5 Samurai Soul 🗻 9 Immortalis, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
6 Iron Faith 11 Grimbardun Smith, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
7 Legendary Dragons 12 Byzantine Kitty, Lux Vega - - - 9
8 YGG Brawlers (Niflheim) 14 Byzantine Kitty, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
9 PeakMonsters Hurricane 34 Immortalis, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
260 GUILD-BC260-BL910-BRAWL1 6
259 GUILD-BC259-BL910-BRAWL1 4 182 252.926 8736
258 GUILD-BC258-BL910-BRAWL1 5 160 211.697 7680
257 GUILD-BC257-BL910-BRAWL2 5 177 274.14 8496
256 GUILD-BC256-BL910-BRAWL2 5 145 224.555 6960
255 GUILD-BC255-BL910-BRAWL1 7 139 187.382 6672
254 GUILD-BC254-BL910-BRAWL1 8 115 157.042 5520
253 GUILD-BC253-BL910-BRAWL1 7 144 194.427 6912
252 GUILD-BC252-BL910-BRAWL1 6 114 175.729 5472
251 GUILD-BC251-BL78-BRAWL3 1 151 104.835 8629
250 GUILD-BC250-BL78-BRAWL6 2 134 118.132 7657
249 GUILD-BC249-BL78-BRAWL1 2 139 99.812 7943
248 GUILD-BC248-BL78-BRAWL5 3 135 106.036 7714
247 GUILD-BC247-BL78-BRAWL3 2 157 115.465 8971
246 GUILD-BC246-BL78-BRAWL6 1 151 111.795 8629
245 GUILD-BC245-BL78-BRAWL2 2 137 98.313 7829
244 GUILD-BC244-BL78-BRAWL5 1 153 120.105 8743
243 GUILD-BC243-BL78-BRAWL1 3 135 95.105 7714
242 GUILD-BC242-BL78-BRAWL2 2 131 85.29 7486
241 GUILD-BC241-BL78-BRAWL3 5 95 74.253 5429
240 GUILD-BC240-BL78-BRAWL4 4 126 89.076 7200
239 GUILD-BC239-BL78-BRAWL4 2 131 95.815 7486
238 GUILD-BC238-BL78-BRAWL5 3 129 95.046 7371
237 GUILD-BC237-BL78-BRAWL1 3 128 98.572 7314
236 GUILD-BC236-BL78-BRAWL4 2 136 103.46 7771

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