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Brawl 194 - T5 - The Guild of Neoxian

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 The Guild of Neoxian
223 167.85 13,805
134 26 0 84%
160 160 160
402 402 402 402
Byzantine Kitty, Eternal Tofu - - - 10
2 YGG Brawlers (Niflheim)
177 140.29 10,114
112 48 0 70%
160 160 160
336 336 336 336
Byzantine Kitty, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
3 Iron Faith
126 108.98 7,200
87 73 0 54%
160 160 160
261 261 261 261
Grimbardun Smith, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
4 PeakMonsters [CHAMPS]
95 96.45 4,976
77 65 0 54%
142 142 142
231 231 231 231
Quora Towershead, Immortalis 6.4 36% 151 7
5 PeakMonsters [Vikings]
90 91.44 4,714
73 87 0 46%
160 160 160
219 219 219 219
Kelya Frendul, Immortalis 6.6 46% 147 7
6 The MobyDicks
71 72.65 3,043
58 102 0 36%
160 160 160
174 174 174 174
Quora Towershead, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
7 Legendary Wizards
68 68.89 3,238
55 73 0 43%
128 128 128
165 165 165 165
Byzantine Kitty, Lux Vega 8.8 7% 10 7
8 JeffOpensCards' Crew
67 67.64 3,190
54 106 0 34%
160 160 160
162 162 162 162
- 7.6 35% 54 5
9 Landstreicher
55 56.37 2,357
45 115 0 28%
160 160 160
135 135 135 135
Immortalis, Lily Shieldpaw 3.4 52% 231 8

Brawl User Ranking - T5 - The Guild of Neoxian

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Xadragon
8 0 0 100%
8 8
2 Akomoajong
8 0 0 100%
8 8
3 Zurichhh
8 0 0 100%
8 8
4 Sibit
8 0 0 100%
8 8
5 Instamental
7 0 0 100%
7 7
6 Zurichh
7 1 0 88%
8 8
7 Qtpathanaqt
7 1 0 88%
8 8
8 Fighter4-freedom
7 1 0 88%
8 8
9 Xawi
7 1 0 88%
8 8
10 Queenstarr
7 1 0 88%
8 8
11 Phylbert
7 1 0 88%
8 8
12 Zawarrior
7 1 0 88%
8 8
13 Ts-warrior
6 0 0 100%
6 6
14 Jimbobbill
6 1 0 86%
7 7
15 Dagger212
6 2 0 75%
8 8
16 Zaku
6 2 0 75%
8 8
17 Dqueenstarr
5 1 0 83%
6 6
18 Andrewyaplah
5 3 0 63%
8 8
19 Neoxian
4 2 0 67%
6 6
20 Sonniwins
4 4 0 50%
8 8
21 Akopalasipj
4 4 0 50%
8 8

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