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Brawl 265 - T4 - Aggressive Gamblers

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 The Wizards
159 104.84 9,086
121 39 0 76%
160 160 160
363 363 363 363
Quora Towershead, Eternal Tofu 1.8 68% 298 7
2 Aggressive Gamblers
127 83.88 6,652
91 69 0 57%
160 160 160
273 273 273 273
Quora Towershead 2.4 57% 260 7
3 Legendary Unicorns
121 79.68 6,914
88 57 0 61%
145 145 145
264 264 264 264
Byzantine Kitty, Lux Vega 3.6 56% 225 8
4 Mercenary Guild
97 63.61 4,619
68 71 0 49%
139 139 139
204 204 204 204
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 5.0 47% 202 8
5 Immortal Gods 4
94 62.21 4,924
64 82 0 44%
146 146 146
192 192 192 192
Yodin Zaku, Quora Towershead 4.6 44% 194 7
6 Dec Hunters
90 59.41 4,714
59 95 0 38%
154 154 154
177 177 177 177
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 6.8 38% 133 7
7 Immortal Phoenix
86 56.62 3,686
58 90 0 39%
148 148 148
174 174 174 174
Obsidian 7.2 34% 153 7
8 Turtle Power
82 53.82 3,124
48 112 0 30%
160 160 160
144 144 144 144
Quora Towershead 8.6 18% 80 7
9 Roaring Twenties
62 40.54 3,543
53 23 0 70%
76 76 76
159 159 159 159
Quora Towershead, Captain Katie 7.6 54% 129 9
10 Death Squad Cuba
58 38.44 2,486
43 71 0 38%
114 114 114
129 129 129 129
Quora Towershead 8.4 40% 86 6

Brawl User Ranking - T4 - Aggressive Gamblers

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Dstampede
8 0 0 100%
8 8
2 Kolokee
7 0 0 100%
7 7
3 Dsky88
5 1 0 83%
6 6
4 Mario15
7 2 0 78%
9 9
5 Ykyan
6 2 0 75%
8 8
6 Bruxo22
6 2 0 75%
8 8
7 Xorota
5 2 0 71%
7 7
8 Pacosobot
4 2 0 67%
6 6
9 Malakingpek
5 3 0 63%
8 8
10 Spiritmonger
4 3 0 57%
7 7
11 Meglachad
4 3 0 57%
7 7
12 Wewens
5 4 0 56%
9 9
13 Chidorine
3 4 0 43%
7 7
14 Bizzurk
4 4 0 50%
8 8
15 Kasmir
2 4 0 33%
6 6
16 Ykyan2
4 5 0 44%
9 9
17 Viniciotricolor
3 5 0 38%
8 8
18 Hexbreak3r
4 5 0 44%
9 9
19 Alviny
4 5 0 44%
9 9
20 Black-pearl
0 6 0 0%
6 6
21 Robson22
1 7 0 13%
8 8

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