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The PeakMonsters Legion is a gathering of friendly, reliable and powerful Battlemages!

Perfect management consisting of 3 generals and supporting officers.

As part of the Peakmonsters family we are partially sponsored.

New members are already benefiting from the huge expansion of the guild and should be willing to help further expand the guild. Free membership cannot be guaranteed. However, the income from the brawls should be able to cover most of the costs.

Since the beginning of the Legion, things have been going steadily upwards and should continue to do so.

Therefore, good to very good Brawl results are expected from all members. The lower the fray, the greater the competition.

We have a lively and supportive Discord Channel. Participation would be desirable.

We already have a great community with very strong players, so free spots are rare. The higher your playable fray, the better your chances.

Applications via Discord to one of the generals: @kalkulus, @shade, @calmenor

Brawl 275 - T4 - PeakMonsters Legion

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Rank Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 PeakMonsters Legion 19 Quix the Devious, Immortalis 1.0 74% 313 7
2 PeakMonsters Pirates 20 Immortalis, Eternal Tofu 1.0 80% 320 7
3 Knights of Praetoria 32 Kelya Frendul, Immortalis 7.4 44% 138 7
4 Landstreicher 41 Immortalis, Lily Shieldpaw 2.8 56% 252 8
5 TEAMPH (Philippines) 45 Eternal Tofu 2.2 63% 267 7
6 Dec Hunters 65 Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 6.8 38% 133 7
7 Team Possible Diamond 70 Quora Towershead, Kelya Frendul 5.2 40% 180 7
8 Lucrative Degenerates 74 Quora Towershead 7.0 49% 123 7
9 Praetorians 83 Immortalis, Eternal Tofu 4.4 43% 181 7
Cycle Brawl Id Tier Place Crowns SPS Merits
275 GUILD-BC275-BL78-BRAWL3 1
274 GUILD-BC274-BL78-BRAWL6 1 166 126.614 9486
273 GUILD-BC273-BL78-BRAWL5 1 154 118.82 8800
272 GUILD-BC272-BL78-BRAWL1 1 163 100.553 9314
271 GUILD-BC271-BL78-BRAWL5 1 153 110.565 8743
270 GUILD-BC270-BL78-BRAWL6 1 148 120.536 8457
269 GUILD-BC269-BL78-BRAWL1 1 165 112.637 9429
268 GUILD-BC268-BL78-BRAWL3 1 151 108.61 8629
267 GUILD-BC267-BL78-BRAWL5 1 149 113.58 8514
266 GUILD-BC266-BL78-BRAWL1 1 160 106.229 9143
265 GUILD-BC265-BL78-BRAWL2 1 163 103.582 9314
264 GUILD-BC264-BL78-BRAWL3 2 134 99.266 7657
263 GUILD-BC263-BL78-BRAWL4 1 174 118.109 9943
262 GUILD-BC262-BL78-BRAWL3 1 159 102.559 9086
261 GUILD-BC261-BL78-BRAWL5 1 159 124.322 9086
260 GUILD-BC260-BL78-BRAWL1 1 180 126.543 10286
259 GUILD-BC259-BL78-BRAWL1 1 152 104.352 8686
258 GUILD-BC258-BL78-BRAWL1 1 170 120.156 9714
257 GUILD-BC257-BL78-BRAWL3 1 169 120.579 9657
256 GUILD-BC256-BL78-BRAWL5 1 170 118.571 9714
255 GUILD-BC255-BL78-BRAWL3 1 180 131.577 10286
254 GUILD-BC254-BL78-BRAWL2 1 166 127.102 9486
253 GUILD-BC253-BL78-BRAWL4 1 159 128.151 9086
252 GUILD-BC252-BL78-BRAWL4 1 154 121.167 8800
251 GUILD-BC251-BL78-BRAWL5 3 131 105.049 7486

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