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Brawl 128 - T5 - Iron Faith

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 PeakMonsters Asia
103 59.00 4,578
73 43 0 63%
116 116 116
219 219 219 219
Quora Towershead, Kelya Frendul 8.2 50% 114 7
2 Iron Faith
85 53.00 3,778
66 59 0 53%
125 125 125
198 198 198 198
Grimbardun Smith, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
3 Immortal Phoenix
66 46.00 2,933
57 63 0 48%
120 120 120
171 171 171 171
Obsidian 6.0 28% 123 7
4 Phoenix Rizen
55 46.00 2,750
57 68 0 46%
125 125 125
171 171 171 171
Quora Towershead, Kelya Frendul 4.0 51% 160 5
5 Pwnd Monsters
52 43.00 2,600
54 34 0 61%
88 88 88
162 162 162 162
Byzantine Kitty, Quora Towershead 8.4 47% 101 7
6 第一公會 #1 Guild
50 42.00 2,222
52 42 0 55%
94 94 94
156 156 156 156
Quora Towershead 3.6 55% 268 7
7 PeakMonsters Landlubbers
47 39.00 1,828
49 76 0 39%
125 125 125
147 147 147 147
Byzantine Kitty, Immortalis 2.8 61% 268 7
8 YGG Knights
46 39.00 2,556
48 53 0 48%
101 101 101
144 144 144 144
Kelya Frendul, Immortalis 2.2 68% 298 8
9 Kortklubben
44 37.00 1,956
46 52 0 47%
98 98 98
138 138 138 138
Quora Towershead 9.0 48% 33 5
10 The Brawlers
8 8.00 356
10 22 0 31%
32 32 32
30 30 30 30
Obsidian 9.8 28% 10 5

Brawl User Ranking - T5 - Iron Faith

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Viru5
6 2 0 75%
8 8
2 Obmop
6 3 0 67%
9 9
3 Shylenknigh
5 2 0 71%
7 7
4 Synist3r
5 3 0 63%
8 8
5 Megabloop
4 1 0 80%
5 5
6 Olordo
4 2 0 67%
6 6
7 Nulyan
4 3 0 57%
7 7
8 Angrychipmunk1
4 3 0 57%
7 7
9 Matrenn
4 4 0 50%
8 8
10 Nadam12
4 4 0 50%
8 8
11 Woody-5757
4 4 0 50%
8 8
12 Ape-bot
3 1 0 75%
4 4
13 Redeye-fire
3 3 0 50%
6 6
14 Proudmoore
3 4 0 43%
7 7
15 Elderdark
3 5 0 38%
8 8
16 Daboba
2 4 0 33%
6 6
17 Lastdragon
1 4 0 20%
5 5
18 Patriator
1 7 0 13%
8 8

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