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Brawl 215 - T3 - JeffOpensCards' Crew

# Name
Crows SPS Merits
Win Loss Draw Win %
Played Entered Total Total
Cur Points Max Est Avg Est.
Bans Avg # Avg Win% Avg Points Arena
1 Iron Faith
159 127.81 9,086
109 34 0 76%
143 143 143
327 327 327 327
Grimbardun Smith, Eternal Tofu - - - 9
2 PeakMonsters Landlubbers
136 108.74 7,124
89 54 0 62%
143 143 143
267 267 267 267
Byzantine Kitty, Immortalis 2.8 61% 268 7
3 Legendary Unicorns
105 83.94 5,000
69 64 0 52%
133 133 133
207 207 207 207
Byzantine Kitty, Lux Vega 4.0 53% 207 7
104 82.98 4,457
62 81 0 43%
143 143 143
186 186 186 186
Yodin Zaku 3.6 48% 211 7
5 Roaring Twenties
86 68.68 4,914
59 64 0 48%
123 123 123
177 177 177 177
Quora Towershead, Captain Katie 7.8 49% 106 8
6 JeffOpensCards' Crew
86 68.68 4,095
47 96 0 33%
143 143 143
141 141 141 141
- 7.6 35% 54 5
7 Immortal Gods 4
82 65.81 4,295
55 59 0 48%
114 114 114
165 165 165 165
Yodin Zaku, Quora Towershead 5.6 41% 184 7
8 NFT Gaming & Collectibles
77 62.00 4,033
55 47 0 54%
102 102 102
165 165 165 165
Quora Towershead 8.6 51% 124 7
9 Splinters Trouble
43 35.29 2,048
29 75 0 28%
104 104 104
87 87 87 87
Quora Towershead 4.4 37% 153 7

Brawl User Ranking - T3 - JeffOpensCards' Crew

# Name Editions
Win Loss Draw Win %
Entered Total
1 Jeffopenscards
3 1 0 75%
4 4
2 Saltyboi
6 2 0 75%
8 8
3 Powis
5 2 0 71%
7 7
4 Sais6
5 2 0 71%
7 7
5 Milocat
3 2 0 60%
5 5
6 Lilito
5 3 0 63%
8 8
7 Luffyplays
4 3 0 57%
7 7
8 Mario15
3 3 0 50%
6 6
9 Mikeisacoolguy
1 3 0 25%
4 4
10 Rons02
3 4 0 43%
7 7
11 Plumbersquack
2 4 0 33%
6 6
12 Digitalbreaker
2 5 0 29%
7 7
13 Goluck17
1 5 0 17%
6 6
14 Roti.prata
1 6 0 14%
7 7
15 Twothirdswizard
1 6 0 14%
7 7
16 Bigpalnet
1 7 0 13%
8 8
17 Joseluis22
0 7 0 0%
7 7
18 Mynamesjeff
1 7 0 13%
8 8
19 Masaker13
0 8 0 0%
8 8
20 Masaker14
0 8 0 0%
8 8
21 Dusk88
0 8 0 0%
8 8

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